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Qualitative Roster


Creating a universal site or system to house student data, teacher notes and formative / summative trends is key to successful  Response to Intervention implementation.  Google Docs is a cloud-based system that can be used to create spreadsheets online that can be accessed by any person given permission to view them online.  The benefit of this system is that participants in RtI planning can see progress monitoring notes as they are completed in real time and can always view the most up to date version of the roster.  


Find a template HERE to get started aggrigating student data in Google Docs.  Make a copy and make it your own.  


Qualitative rosters can be used in place of forms and paperwork at the Tier II and III level.  Each student grid can be printed and provided to parents and partnering agencies to enhance regular communication.  




Each time you meet, list progress monitoring teacher observations and scores

Each time you meet, list the date.  This helps you reference the frequency of meetings

List interventions previously tried and discontinued.

List present interventions and frequency here

Summarize the presentation / TIer I / Green step data here

Add student name and color based on tier level

At the start of the year or annually, teachers may choose to print out THIS letter and most up to date progress monitor reflecting student growth in the Response to Intervention system.  

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