Academic data is organized by qualitative and quantitative charting.

Data is charted for behavior and by year to establish trends.

Academic data is organized by qualitative and quantitative charting.

Created with grant funding, the middle school sensory room is used in 10 minute intervals throughout the day.

Created with grant funding, the middle school sensory room is used in 10 minute intervals throughout the day.

The CongratOmat was born out of the PBIS model of whole-building "caught doing good" support. Created in 2014 from a salvage vending machine, small prizes were showcased in the updated machine. Students in the building who were caught emulating the building goals of "be respectful, be responsible, and best effort" could be awarded a CongratOmat ticket and sticker to wear for the day. Students could turn in tickets for a chance to win a prize from the machine. Regularly, tickets were drawn during morning announcements. Preliminary data indicated a 23% reduction in disciplinary referrals since inception of the CongratOmat.
Starting in the summer of 2013, a student learning project partnership was established with the College of Wooster's Mathematics Department to establish student progress-monitoring software. DataLongLegs uses formative and summative assessments with dissimilar values to track student progress on the same graph. Behavioral or classroom data can be entered with comments for charting.
Sensory Rooms & Kits
All people are born with innate sensory needs. Whether you are someone who needs a quiet room to think or someone who loves to have heavy blankets on them at night, sensory needs are a natural part of all of our makeup. In the winter of 2011, a local Middle School created a sensory room with grant funding. By creating materials from household items, resources were catalouged by categories of sensory input or deprivation in areas of visual, auditory, proprioceptive (pressure) and vestibular (movement) needs. A sensory quiz to inventory individual needs was created and each student was able to identify which tools would most calm or engage their behavior. Baseline and intervention data is collected for each student accessing the room to establish effectiveness of the intervention.
All of the materials you need to create low-cost high-outcome school programming

MIDAS Intervention
Using Howard Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences, the MIDAS assesses student relative strengths for use in intervention planning. Since 2010, several classrooms have participated in a study connecting their multiple intelligence with research-based reading and science content interventions. Click here for a video explaining the MIDAS "Golden Touch" research-based intervention.
OHuddle Mentorship
In the past decade, student engagement has emerged as a major need in education. Students often arrive at school without basic needs met and without an invested adult relationship. By connecting students with mentors in a 1:1 format, students have the opportunity to engage in activities that promote resiliency, conflict-resolution, and social skills. OHuddle was created in 2013 and served 3 students. The organization is presently an established not-for-profit and serves over 150 students with 50 volunteer mentors.

CongratOmat is a repurposed vending machine for PBIS school wide reinforcers.

CongratOmat is a repurposed vending machine for PBIS school wide reinforcers.
Theraputic Art Club
The Theraputic Art Club is available on an invitation-only basis as an after school small group. Established in 2013, participants engage in service learning activities that help others through art. A school psychologist, school counselor, or clinical counselor are available at each meeting to discuss problem-solving, conflict resolution, and social responsibility. Thus far students have completed art project that benefit the school and community such as creating wearable art for a character education program, or painting students for students abruptly removed from their homes to foster care.

SOAR Executive Functioning Intervention
In 2015 pilot groups in four classrooms were formed using the SOAR program. Student candidates for six group cohorts presented with features of executive functioning need including: difficulty organizing materials, difficulty sustaining attention, taking notes, and completing independent tasks with adequate processing speed. Students met with a coach weekly to complete the SOAR program, which also regularly coordinated service with parents for home implementation.
Environmental Climate: Building Redesign
ODE identifies a welcoming school climate as among the most important indicators for enhancing family engagement. In the spring of 2015, a local Elementary partnered with the Columbus College of Art and Design's Mind Market to redesign the building's lobby to provide an engaging entry and learning environment for students in grades K-4.

Lending Library
In the fall of 2016, a Lending Library was created to provide needed interventions and sensory materials to local school students. Teachers may check out materials on a short or long term basis.

Grant funding for comprehensive mentorship programming at the secondary level.

Grant funding for comprehensive mentorship programming at the secondary level.
Comprehensive Mentorship: Community Connectors Grant
In the Spring of 2015, A partnership of Wooster City Schools, The Boys and Girls Club of Wooster, OHuddle / Parkview Church, STEPS, and the Wooster Chamber of Commerce combined to develop the Community Connector Consortium of Wooster. CCCW endevors to serve students with mentorship programming by utilizing talent from volunteer mentors including business owners, mental health workers and retired teachers to prepare Wooster City School youth to become hopeful, engaged and successful adults. The consortium was awarded $87,892 in the Summer of 2015 to fund a years worth of programming. The Consortium was awarded $100,000 in 2016, with additional partners of Akron Children's Hospital and the Village Network.